
On the Egypt bombings

This is not the first time suicide bombers have worked on the established Islamic world. America should take note that these actions are not only for us but also any authority percieved as a threat to their cause. At this point who is not a threat to the sucide bomb cause?

Attacking hapless Iraqis, Saudis, and Egyptians creates fear to be sure, but not change for their cause. If anything now they will bring more westerners to the Middle East (specifically Saudi Arabia) to fight. By attacking civillians for attention they invite more strict oppression not less. More war, more occupations.

The answer however to this barbarism is not Western Democracy. Faced with the threat of the modern world with all its excesses, no religion proves it's worth with violence. The Old Testament book of Joshua is not a testament to ethnic cleansing by military might out of fear of change. It is the miraculous intervention of God on behalf of a tiny nation of His People. Joshua means "the Lord Saves." So the question for every oppressed, threatened religious group is not how to make the biggest stink but rather how to let God fight our battles.

Bombers are succumbing to the modern world not rebelling. They resign that the only way to effect the modern world is by this atrocity. They leave nothing for their people. They are saying to the Empires that they will secretly kill at any time as the end in itself. The problem with anonymous secret killing as witness and protest is that all this type of action affords it's people is misdirected retalliation and paralyzing fear.

But what Occupier wants the responsibility of trying to teach values to suicide bombers? What Occupier could pretend to possess the values that will straighten this kind of twisted thinking? America's perpetuated myth that we are more pious and wise than our enemy is not only not enough to withstand, it is a weak and transparent counterthreat for all the world to see. The world is not strengthened by our self righteous posturing.

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